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Incrementing Player ID

User Image Admin Shared publicly - Wed 06 May 2020


This datapack will allow you to have each player when joining be given a ID that can be used via other datapacks

the variable it uses to store id is ad.id

You can also show this in the player list by typing the following command

/scoreboard objectives setdisplay list ad.id

A big thanks to Gnottero for allowing me to use this implementation for my data packs

here is some of his Datapacks



Incrementing Player ID

Category Datapacks
Sub-Category Utilities
Theme Modern
Submitted by Admin
Posted on Wed 06 May 2020
World Save Download No world save available
DataPack Download http://www.mediafire.com/file/yi8763f1n9o9uho/Incrementing_ID.zip/file
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